Itzhak Luvaton



The greatest thing in the world, is to do good to someone else
הדבר הכי גדול בעולם, זה לעשות טובה למישהו אחר
This special Kiddush cup, whose main theme is giving, is shaped in the spirit of the story of the righteous hunchback who met R. Carlebach in Tel Aviv, and told him that he succeeded in all the hardships and horrors of the concentration camps and the Holocaust because of this saying that saved him and brought him back to sanity, which he learned from the Rebbe of Piacenza. This gave him the strength to go on with his life and encourage others as well.

The motifs present in this Kiddush cup attributes and weave them together like a tree whose branches are intertwined in the thicket of pomegranate branches connecting the breastplate stones and their virtues to the 'Cohanim' who carry us and pass the G-D's giving, and we pass it to the other, out of love and grace and giving. All the features were woven into the motifs of the kiddush cup.

The pomegranates that are the fruit of the tree together with the inlaid breastplate stones are a symbol of our giving, this is the idea behind which I shaped this kiddush cup.

Product information
The cup is a very special workmanship. The cup is made of Sterling Silver. The outside cup is hand sawn and set with diamonds and precious stones from the breastplate of the 'Cohanim' (12). On the trunk of the tree is engraved the phrase: " The greatest thing in the world, is to do good to someone else". The inside cup is gold plated. The 2cups are attached to an ornamented base and placed on a matching plate.

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