Itzhak Luvaton



(יברכך ה' וישמרך, יאר פניו אליך ויחנך, ישא ה' פניו אליך וישם לך שלום" (במדבר ו"
“May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His glory shine upon you and be kindly toward you. May the Lord turn His glory unto you and grant you peace.” (Numbers 6).

Itzhak Luvaton, selected this moving verse from the Book of Numbers to be the central motif for his unique creation – the “TAG for LIFE”. Designed to replicate the Israeli Army ID-tag, it displays the Dove of Peace in the center, with the blessing from the Book of Numbers engraved around the edges.
The “Tag for Life” symbolizes all the central motivating forces of the artist’s life:
• The continued existence of the Jewish nation in its own Land of Israel
• The yearning for Peace
• The personal survival of all Israel’s fighting sons and daughters
• The spirit of giving, and the mutual extending of an ever-ready helping hand
18% of the profits (18 – “chai” the numerical symbol for Life in Hebrew) will be donated to the valiant soldiers of the Israeli Army.
This “Tag for life” made from Stainless steel, adopted for girls with the blessing “God make thee as Sara, Reevka, Rachel and Leea” and for boys with the blessing “God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh".(Genesis 48,20)

  • Can be personalized by engraving a name on the back. For orders please contact us.

Product information
Material - Stainless steel
Size - 3 X 5 cm

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